Bram De Kinder

Bram De Kinder

Hello everyone, I’m Bram and I was born on 14th of July 1994 . A few yeas ago Tobias was one of my classmates. When we met he said to join OLVE badminton club. I wanted to join Tobias at the training sessions and so I became a new member of the club.

This was in 2009, but I started playing badminton with my parents and sister when I was six years old in recreative club “De vroege veertjes”, translated: “The early feathers”. This was a club of friends from my parents. Since I’m in OLVE BC I play competition with Tobias, just for fun.

I still play badminton on Sunday, but since 2013 “the early feathers” is merged into OLVE BC. If I find some time I also play on Wednesday evening. Since 2011 I’m in the JOT team with Tobias. We are learning how to organise the tournament and try to help with little things.

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